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Grab an opportunity to meet us in person or online:

September 19, 2024

16:00 CEST

10:00 ET

Webinar "One Big Green: the operational software for plantscapers"

For whom:  everyone in the plant service business

Where: online
How to join: register

September 27, 2024

9:30 CEST

One Big Green presentation for the European Interior Landscaping Organization (EIILO) members

For whom:  EILO members only

Where: Leiden, the Netherlands
How to join: please contact

January 22-24, 2025

flexible hours

One BIg Green is going to TPIE!

For whom:  everyone who would like to meet up

Where: Ft. Lauderdale, FL, United States
How to join: book your trip to Florida and
message Iryna to set up a meeting

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